

Rule #1: DONE!

Rule #2: DONE!

11 Things about me:

1. i have a deadly fear of heights
2. i'm a movie freak
3. i prefer b&w pictures over colored
4. love to cook
5. i have difficulty remembering new people's names :p
6. i can sing dangdut's "cengkok". LOL
7. my fav. colors are red, blue, green, black, and grey
8. i sleep with my socks on
9. my fav. music genres are alternative rock and dubstep
10. i like animals and i love the zoo
11. i prefer chocolate over other flavors

Rule #3: (These questions are from Ayrine) DONE!

1. what's your favorite song this week?
+ Neon Trees - Everybody Talks
2. what you did on christmas?
+ hmm..went on a vacation with family
3. have you ever crying at public place?
+ no :-p...yes, i have!
4. what do you think about a couple who live together without getting married?
+ neither agree nor disagree, it's their rights
5. transformer or harry potter?
+ transformers! i prefer robots than wizards :p
6. what image you'll choose if you want to get a tattoo? why?
+ i would choose third eye blind logo just because i've loved them since i was little :-p
7. what your blog's name? and why you choose that one?
+ the spacemonkeyz. actually i don't even know why
8. who is your idol?
+ Quentin Tarantino, for sure
9. and what will you say if you meet him/her in person?
+ "i love you, marry me please!"
10. what your favorite constellation? draw it if you can.
+ Ursa Major

#Rule 4: Create 11 new questions: DONE!

1. what's your favourite music genre?
2. what is the last film you saw?
3. do you touch-type?
4. have you ever made a prank phone call?
5. does your name make any interesting anagrams?
6. what sitcom character reminds you of you?
7. what songs do you sing in the shower?
8. can you do push ups? :-p
9. favorite viral video?
10. if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
11. can you touch your nose with your tongue?

#Rule 5: Choose 11 people to tag:  DONE!

(i'm sorry folks :p)

Acha Nuun Ayu Gadis Pur Rega Diani Annisa Edward Dita hega

p.s: i don't force you to do it, enjoy! :-p


  1. agree with your answer!(number four question) anyway, LOVE that ursa major pict!

  2. erghhhhhhhh.....males goy, mending gue minum teh anget buatan Kang Mas, dan goler-goler dikasur menikmati bau die katzen.

  3. hahahaha, maafkan aku teman-teman. abaikan sajaaaaaa hehehe

  4. eh. gw kena juga toh. tenang anggi takkan kuabaikan kok #tidurandulu

    1. ahahay, iyaaaa, gw mau ke blog muuh tp bingung mo ninggaling comment dimanah hehehe :p. ahey!

  5. eh enjiii.. br liat gue, hbs shoutbox gue isinya spam semua, jd message lo ga kebaca, sampe akhirnya barusan gue bersihin itu spam messages rese.. :D will do the task and give you the link later yaa!!

  6. DONE! http://pojokankamar.blogspot.com/2012/03/tagged.html
